Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Effects of the Bubonic Plague in In The Wake of a...

In The Wake of a Plague, written by Norman Cantor, focuses on the Black Death and the combinations of effects that it inflicted upon 14th century Europe. Cantor identifies the drastic changes in the religious, social, theological, geographical, psychological and economic aspects of Europe; although, his most intriguing points include the biomedical effects within the Plague. He recounts specific events that lead up to the plague, occurred during the plague and speaks of the aftermath concerning the plague. He wrote the book in order to relate the experiences of victims/survivors, as well as illustrate the impact of the plague upon the social structure, government, etc. The Black Plague, also know as the Bubonic Plague, was relentless towards everything it came into contact with. It left four out of five infected individuals dead within two weeks of being infected. There were very few, if any, medical advances during this period of time—the late medieval times; although, the citizens during this time period did believe that they had created a foolproof method involving mashed snake flesh. Eventually, it came down to the fact that there was no biomedical breakthrough to save the people of the 14th century. Although this news is devastating to hear, there is some news to rejoice. The descendants of survivors of the Black Plague may be immune to AIDS, approximately â€Å"15% of the Caucasian population† to quote Cantor. This news could potentially lead to a cure for AIDS. CantorShow MoreRelatedNorman F. Cantor s The Black Plague978 Words   |  4 PagesNorman F. Cantor, a well known author who is a native of Canada. Majority of Cantor’s papers have to deal with the medieval period. In the beginning of this book, Cantor begins to describe how the black plague began and the symptoms of the black plague. The black plague was also known as the Black Death. Many have their own thoughts about how the plague started, but Cantor explains his thoughts throughout the first section of this book. According to Cantor, the plague started from a tiny flea.Read MoreThe Black Death Essay2037 Words   |  9 Pagesbe the work of the bubonic plague, a deadly infectious disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis or Y. pestis (Nardo, 13). However, evidence has surfaced in the past fifty years to suggest that the Black Death was not, or at least not only, the bubonic plague. In truth, this epidemic was not the bubonic plague or any other single disease; it was two or more illnesses working in tandem. Much of the evidence lies in the symptoms between the bubonic plague and other plagues that could have beenRead MoreIn the Wake of the Plague - Black Death Essay examples971 Words   |  4 PagesNorman F. Cantor, In the Wake of the Plague (New York: Harper Collins First Perennial edition, 2001) examines how the bubonic plague, or Black Death, affected Europe in the fourteenth century. Cantor recounts specific events in the time leading up to the plague, during the plague, and in the aftermath of the plague. He wrote the book to relate the experiences of victims and survivors and to illustrate the impact that the plague had on the government, families, religion, the social structure, andRead MoreThe Effects Of Bubonic Plague On The Middle Ages Essay2432 Words   |  10 PagesIn this paper, I will argue that the Bubonic Plague, which began to ravish the European populations in 1347, would have a lasting impact upon the Medieval World particularly in manners of religion, science and medicine, art, and the increased use of common and local vernaculars. These effects would alter the lives of many individuals and states of the Middle Ages, but also would be the roots of various political and social movements throughout Europe. One major area of intellectual life and cultureRead MoreThe Black Death Ravaged Europe And Its Inhabitants1588 Words   |  7 PagesFrom 1347 to about 1352, the Black Death ravaged Europe and its inhabitants. While this devastating plague caused an exorbitant loss of life and a great deal of emotional suffering, it did lead to some major social changes in Europe that changed the course of history. The Black Death transformed the consciousness of the surviving populous of medieval Europe in a way no other event that has occurred before or since could. This transformed psyche created the catalyst that expedited the transformationRead MoreEssay about The Black Death1660 Words   |  7 Pagesspread, the death toll, and the lasting effects it had on humanity. The speed at which the plague came about was a major factor in its lethality. The plague is believed to have originated in central Asia in the 1330s (Edmonds). European traders were the first to hear about the plague because they traveled to the east on trade routes. By the time they realized the extent of this brutal disease, it was too late. They had no idea what they were up against. The plague moved along trade routes and on merchantRead More The Plague - The Black Death Essay1429 Words   |  6 Pagesknown as the worst natural disaster in European history. The plague spread throughout Europe from 1346-1352. Those who survived lived in constant fear of the plagues return and it did not disappear until the 1600s. Not only were the effects devastating at the time of infection, but during the aftermath as well. The Black Death of the fourteenth century dramatically altered Europes social and economic structure. The plague was spread by fleas, which were not effected by the disease. FleasRead MoreThe Effect of Crisis on Religion in Europe: Black Death vs. Wwii4285 Words   |  18 PagesThe Effect of Crisis on Religion in Europe: How did Black Death and World War II affect religious beliefs in Europe, with a focus on the effects it had on both the Roman Catholic Church and Jews? Candidate Name: Katie Miller Candidate Number:____________ May 2013 History Extended Essay Supervisor: Mr. Derek Parsons Word Count: 3,133 Abstract This essay is a comparative analysis of the effect that two major crises in Europe had

Monday, May 18, 2020

Factors Influencing The Formation Of Policy - 2270 Words

Introduction Our nation continues to grapple with the challenges of public higher education. A variety of ideas have been presented to help public higher education continue evolving. While legislators present their case through economic fluctuation, an ever-changing assessment of the value of higher education, and demographic changes amongst other pressures affordability, access, and accountability (AAA) continue to dominate the discourse. This is a national phenomenon that plays out in the state legislature. Donald E. Heller edits a collection of essays titled The States and Public Higher Education Policy: Affordability, Access, and Accountability. These essays help address many of the factors influencing the formation of policy. While this is an informative compilation only chapter 1, 2, 4, 8, and the concluding chapter will be analyzed. This analysis will provide an overview of the key arguments, a critique of the chapters, and present comments and questions about the implications of these pol icy proposals. Key Arguments In the first chapter authored by Donald E. Heller discusses trends in the affordability of public colleges and universities. He attempts to challenge how college cost is assessed in relation to financial aid. With the inclusion of additional fees that students are required to pay and a student and family’s ability to pay, we still continue to see that the cost of college takes a bigger percentage of family resources each year. This problem is even worseShow MoreRelatedGerman And United Kingdom : Primary Influential Factors1589 Words   |  7 PagesUnited Kingdom: Primary Influential Factors in Government Formation Comparative analyses of European politics allow political scientists to formulate and test policies through cross-compare, learn best practices, make predictions and develop a standardized model of democracy for new nations. Techniques of comparison are useful in the observation of government formation, as they enable analysts to derive the similar and differing factors influencing formations. Throughout Europe, there are four typesRead MoreSouth Africas Fiscal Monetary Policy1608 Words   |  7 PagesSouth Africa’s Fiscal amp; Monetary Policy o Table Of Contents †¨ o Introduction o Body o Conclusion o References Introduction In this presentation I will discuss whether or not the South African fiscal and monetary policy are complimentary or not. We need to first define both the fiscal and monetary policy in their economic sense. Firstly, the formal definition of the monetary policy are all the deliberate steps of the monetary authority to affect monetary aggregates such as the money supplyRead MoreThe Truman Doctrine1364 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican Foreign Policy during the Cold War On March 12, 1947, President Harry S. Truman defined United States foreign policy in the context of its new role as a world superpower. Many historians consider his speech to Congress as the words that officially started the Cold War. The Truman Doctrine was a major break from U.S. historical trends of isolationist foreign policy. His speech led to the Cold War policy of containment. Moreover, it served as a precedent for future U.S. policy of interventionismRead MoreFactors Influencing Healthcare And Value Based Service Strategies844 Words   |  4 PagesFactors Influencing Healthcare and Value Based Service Strategies There are many factors that influence healthcare today. In the following discussion post, the nurse will introduce three factors that influence healthcare today and two strategies to improve value base service. These three factors are the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the changes introduced by insurance companies in the reimbursement of healthcare services, and cutting of staff and incentives by healthcare facilitiesRead MoreFactors Influencing Individual Investor Behavior1439 Words   |  6 PagesFactors Influencing Individual Investor Behavior: An Empirical study of the KSA Financial Market research Contents TITLE PAGE NO 1. ABSTRACT 3 2.INTRODUCTION 2.1 Background to the Study 2.2 Statement of The Problem - Specific Objectives of the study - Research Questions 2.3 The scope of the study 2.4 The Relevance of the study 4 5 6 6 7 7 3. LITERATURE REVIEW 8 4. THE RESEARCH DESIGN a. Type of study b. the Model equation c. Hypothesis d. Data collection methods c. The sapling designRead MoreEssay on social policy1190 Words   |  5 PagesHealth and Social Care Student Name Unit 7: Social Policy Assessor name: Christine Pratt Date of Issue Completion date 27/01/2014 07/03/2014 Student No. Submitted on Assignment title Learning Outcome Learning outcome Assessment criteria LO1 Understand the significant historical and contemporary landmarks in social welfare provision 1.1 Understand the origins of social policies 2.1 Analyse the processes involved in the development Read MoreTeen Pregnancy And Birth Rates861 Words   |  4 PagesU.S. rate, France s was one-sixth and the Netherlands one-ninth(Cemmit, 2010). The issues that frame contemporary discussion of the problem are those that revolve around female teens deciding to use contraception or not because of other influencing factors. A female teen might want to use contraception but her male partner is not on the same page. For instance, a teen might become influenced by the male partner to not use contraception because the male feels it will be too distracting. ReligionRead MoreAerosols Of Rain Case Study976 Words   |  4 Pagesmight have suppressed or delayed the precipitation process. The results from the ancillary data analysis were also in agreement with results of the AFF model. Introduction Aerosols are one of the key factors responsible for the climate change and influencing the radiation budget of the earth. Columnar Aerosol loading (amount in the atmosphere) is usually quantified by mass concentration (PM-Particulate Matter) or by an optical measure (AOD-Aerosol Optical Depth). The effectsRead MoreSoviet Expansion Into Eastern Europe1280 Words   |  6 Pagesdisputed to be another driving factor, and possibly the main factor to the cause of the cold war as it is interlinked both with ideology and the nuclear race. For instance, ideology and security both influenced the same event, which in this case was the creation of the Eastern bloc. (Heywood, 2014) stated that Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe was seen as â€Å"defensive rather than aggressive†, motivated essentially by a buffer zone desire. Security was an important factor because the Soviets believedRead MoreAnalytical Study on the Employee Issues in an MNC1756 Words   |  7 P agesrealised in the organisation only when the appropriate leadership pattern is followed. This makes managers essential to understand and identify the various theories and styles are available. Leadership can be defined in general term as the process of influencing the behaviour of others to work willingly and enthusiastically for achieving predetermined goals. As according to Tennenbaum et al (1961), leadership is interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed through communication process

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Long Lasting Presence of Racism - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1770 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/02/05 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Racism Essay Did you like this example? Racism is the belief that one race is better than another race, this usually ends in multiple consequences that include being bias towards other Ethnicities or race. Since the early 1800’s racism in the United States has impacted many people of color in a negative way. Have you ever wandered how life would be different when it comes to political, and social discrimination? Do you believe that racism has been the cause of many deaths, and the cause of slavery in our nation? Racism has left a long-lasting effect in our society, which has been proven by many of the problems that we are currently facing in our Country. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Long Lasting Presence of Racism" essay for you Create order In addition, in our new modern society racism has also been the affect to many our nation’s economic problems. Most important racism has had a major impact socially, politically, and economically on blacks, and Mexicans. Furthermore, bias between different races have encourage different writers to tell the stories. Some stories are true, and some are based on beliefs, and great examples of what has occurred and continues to occur in our society amongst people of different races. Furthermore, racism has played a major role during World War II for many people of different races. For example, African Americans were somewhat forced to enlist into the service to serve our country to earn respect, equality, and a place within society. Furthermore, discrimination against different races caused many deaths that occurred during their work on the line, and within our society. Not to mention, the major negative impact on the black community has been written in books, articles, and poetry to inform others of the horrible acts they had to sustain. Therefore, after reading the book â€Å"With his pistol in His Hand†, and in the novel â€Å"If He Hollers Let Him go†, in my opinion they both define the meaning of racism against people of color, such as Blacks, and Mexicans. In addition, both books show different examples of discrimination towards people of different races. Moreover, both have been a good representation of where racism began. First, the book â€Å"With His Pistol in His Hand† it is known as a true story that goes back to the early 1800’s when tension began to arise along the Texas- Mexican border. This tension began between 1850 and 1910 between the Anglos and the Mexicans. The conflicts reflected issues that included national boundaries, property, and the use of land. The First major issue occurred when the Anglo-Americans moved into Mexican territory (Flores,167). Consequently, the issues between the Anglo-Americans and the Mexicans continued until the end of the war for Texas Independence that ended in 1836. Furthermore, this conflicts between the Anglos, and Mexicans continued until the U.S war against Mexico that took place in 1846. This war resulted in the signing of the â€Å"Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo† in 1848. This included an agreement that was made between Mexico and the U.S. that made the Rio Grande River as the Border for both places. Furthermore, the â€Å"Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo also included the rights to the Mexican community ownership of the land, and maintenance of their culture. As a result of taking ownership of the land it resulted in the creation of the Anglo- Texan authority, which took place after the war with Mexico (Flores,167). Later, the Anglo- Texan authorities believed they had power over the Mexicans. This resulted in unfair discrimination acts on the Mexicans. It began in 1859 Juan Cortina a U.S Citizen witness a Marshall pistol whipped a Mexican and took justice in his own hands which resulted in the shooting of a Marshall known as Bob spears. Furthermore, Juan Cortina and other landowners wrote a manifesto against the Anglo- Texans (Flores, 168). This also resulted in the war against the Texas Rangers. Furthermore, now going back to the true story of Gregorio Cortez know as a hero to the Mexican Community. He was praised as a hero to his community through a Mexican Ballad also known to the Mexican community as a â€Å"Corrido†. It all took place in the Lower Rio Grande Border which most of the people lived in a ranching village also known as Ranchos for the Mexican community. Small close families and a group of workers also know as â€Å"peons† which were known as the help, but treate d as family, all resided in the ranch. â€Å"The simple life led by most Border people fostered a natural equality among men† (Paredes,10). Texas Rangers had their own image towards the Mexicans â€Å"The picture of the Mexican as an inveterate thief, especially of horses and cattle, is of interest to the psychologist as well as the folklorist† (Paredes,20). Furthermore, there was a law followed by the Texas Rangers â€Å"Ranger method of shooting first and asking questions later† (Paredes,26) this law killed many innocent Mexicans. One incident that occurred has left a man by the Name of Gregory Cortez as a hero to the Mexican community and has remained in history through Mexicans ballads, also known as Corrido’s. Gregorio Corte remained known as a man who never raised his voice to parent or elder brother, and never disobeyed†(Paredes,36). He became a hero to his community after one day his defended himself again the Texas Rangers. It was all over an american that decided to trade his mare for a horse that Gregorio Cortezs brother owned. So they mad the trade and the American told Gregorio C ortezs brother known as Roman to deliver it to hi show while he was out of town. So Roman delivered the horse to his hose and took the mare. Later, the American Authorities made a visit to Roman, and Gregorio Cortez was present. The Sheriff know as sheriff Morris questioned him about the mare and he explained to hi that he had made a trade with the American and proceeded to laugh. The moment he began to laugh the sheriff shot Roman through the mouth and he dropped down to the floor. Then that’s when the shooting began between Sheriff Morris, and Gregorio Cortez, leaving the sheriff dead (Paredes,37-41). Later Gregorio Cortez knew that even though he was innocent he had to escape because the Mexicans did not have the same rights as the Americans (Pareded,41). When he escaped, later the Texas Authorities went to arrest his family for just being related to him. Moreover, they began to kill many Mexicans calling them the gang of Cortez. Eventually he got caught an after many y ears he got released but then later poisoned when released. Furthermore, the community made a ballad also known as a Corrido in his name to raise money for his court hearings. The corrido’s continued to be made also for other heroes that were seen as heroes to the Mexican people e(Paredes 7-246). Furthermore, in my opinion, they way the Texas Rangers treated the Mexicans showed extreme racism, and the act against Cortez was completely unjustified. On the other hand, the novel, If He Hollers Let Him Go also defines racism, and in my opinion, it continues to affect the black community. To begin this novel goes as far back as of world War II. â€Å"The War†. Two simple words that are often still uttered with deep emotion† (Verge,289). â€Å"Blacks, Mexicans Americans, and Mexican nationals also suffered, struggling under burden of racially restrictive housing covenants, widespread job discrimination, and segregated public facilities such as pools and beaches† (Verge,290). World War II had a social negative impact on Los Angeles (Verge,290). In addition, â€Å"while the war effort brought forth a spirit of cooperation and participation among Los Angeles citizens, serious undercurrents of racial tension continued to plague the region† (Verge,298,) During that time job opportunities were limits to the people of color and given to the white people. Later, there was movements by the minorities that fought fo r equal rights for job opportunities such as Negro Victory Committee (Verge,311). Moreover, the novel, If He Hollers Let Him Goes informs one about the discrimination against blacks and tells a story of what occurred during World War II. The story takes place in Los Angeles during the second war when an African- American by the name of Bob jones who was granted a Lederman position at a ship yard only because there were other workers that were also people of color, who he was going to manage. He lived in fear his whole life for being black. During that time, he lived in a society filled with discrimination. Not to mention, he would always have bad dreams such as being forced to war just for being black. Moreover, he was dating a girl with lighter skin, so he thought she was his only way out. Furthermore, one day he got into a confrontation with an employee named Madge that was not black, over her not wanting to work with him because he was black, he got offended and cursed her out. She went to go tell her supervisor than they demoted him. Later, he was upset that he just wanted to get revenge, even had thought to rape the white girl but knew he was not going to follow through. Sometime later, after the incident he en ded up in a dark room with her not knowing was he was about to go through. She closed the door and started to yell that he was raping her(Himes,1-203). Finally, the door opened, and he recalls â€Å"I came to once as I lay crumpled on the deck at the bottom of the ladder. A lot of guy were kicking me† (Himes,183). He was severely hurt, and he was able to escape, but later caught driving on the street in Los Angeles, and got pulled over only because he was black. Bob Jones was looking forward to becoming a man and make a family with Alice, but that day never came. He was arrested and later forced to join the service in exchange for his freedom even though everyone knew he was innocent (Himes,1-203). To conclude, since early times racism has had a negative impact on different races, and continues to affect our nation. , Furthermore, in my opinion, I believe discrimination on the people of color during World War II has left a long lasting presence on our nation compare to the war between the Anglo- Americans, and the Mexicans. For example, during the war between the Anglo- Americans, and the Mexicans, Mexicans were getting killed by Texas Rangers who believed they had rights over all Mexicans. They killed innocent people by abiding by their law known as the â€Å"ranger method of shooting first and asking questions later.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Using A Cell Phone While Driving - 1715 Words

â€Å"The best way to get people to think outside the box is not to create the box in the first place† (Actforlibraries, 2016). Innovation understands history to have a firm dedicated vision for the future. Martin Cooper is known as one of the most innovated people that have changed the world by his creation of the cell phone. The invention originated as a car phone, but Cooper believed a phone should be wireless; making it one of the greatest dangerous weapons for killing people (Molella, 2014). Cell phone use while driving increases the probabilities of car accidents. The component of driving entails the driver to concentrate on the road, time, speed and psychological assignment; any distractions will result in endangering people’†¦show more content†¦The disadvantage, it already exists, but not offered in every high school. For instance, Philadelphia s High School require students to receive their diploma and an industry certification (Bidwell, 2014). C orrespondingly, the model utilized was the HACK model. The HACK model is an innovated practice, promoting students to reach a level knowledge (Northwest Nazarene University, 2014). The highly structure utilized technology for online courses, allowing students to decide their graduation date. Overall, the consistent application enforces recreation facilities to substitute classes. The second innovation presented by Anahi, which is housing for the homeless. There are about 500,000 homeless and about one-fourth of them are children in the United States (Johnson, 2015). The idea is finding people on the streets who want a second chance. The organization will provide vocational classes for them to pursue a career. The drawback is some agencies have instituted the same concept. For instance, the Orange County Housing provides the necessary tools, education, and job training (Great Nonprofits, 2016). The biggest challenge is financial support because people think their money won t make a difference. Moreover, the model utilized was NOMMAR; which is customer need, technology, and market (Terwilliger, 2011). The client s need is for them to do a good deed. Technology can generate a computerized system to locateShow MoreRelatedUsing The Cell Phone Should Be Banned While Driving793 Words   |  4 Pagesinterest about the essay. What am I trying to say? It is clear in my introduction why I write the cold calling essay. My thesis statement is using the cell phone should be banned while driving. I show three reasons that help readers to understand my argument. I also try to convince readers to think about how dangerous to use the cell phone while driving. I use some citation that helps readers to think more closely about my argument. What words will express it? Should make my argument strongerRead MoreDangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay1306 Words   |  6 Pageslast few decades, the use of cell phones has become a very common tool. Furthermore, Technology has certainly advanced, and the cell phone is becoming the most preferred mode of communication. The demand for a cell phone is growing every day. In addition, the use of wireless technology is affordable, and anyone can buy a cell phone at a reasonable price. They come in all shapes and sizes. They range from black to bright metallic white. American public use of cell phones is increasing everyday. AsRead MoreUse Of Cell Phones While Driving860 Words   |  4 PagesAmericans rely heavily on cell phones to perform daily activities. Cell phone are used for phone calls, email, sending text messages, surfing the internet, and performing other tasks. It is unfortunate that many of these daily activities occur while a person is driving. As a result, an increase of accidents and fatalities have occurred because of the use of cellular phones while driving. Using a cell phone while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm. Most drivers believe theyRead MoreCell Phones While Driving1322 Words   |  6 PagesShould cell phone use be banned while driving? Since the mid–1990’s, cell phones have been a part of our daily lives. Cell phones allow us to communicate with anyone, anytime, and anywhere even while we are driving, they are convent and make our lives easier. But is it safe to use a cell phone to talk, text, take pictures, surf the web, etc. while driving? Many drivers, especially young drivers think so. Many drivers do not think that glancing down at a cell phone for a few seconds to send orRead MoreDangers Of Cell Phones1241 Words   |  5 Pagesconvenience. Even though cell phones can be used as navigators and for quick communication. They can still lead us to car crashes and death departures in families. In most cases, cell phones being the chief culprit. Cell phone use in the car can cause brain distractions, addiction towards drivers and deteriorate driving skills. Altogether these reasons show that cell phone usage should be banned while driving, in order to prevent death and unnecessary trauma. Firstly, cell phones should be banned becauseRead MorePersuasive Essay‚Äà ®Cell Phones and Driving1006 Words   |  5 PagesEssay—Cell phones and driving Suzy Campbell Title Balancing my coffee on my left leg, eating a donut with my right hand, using my cell phone with my left hand, driving with my right knee and having a conversation with a friend at the same time are surprisingly enough all legal, as long as they don’t interfere with my driving. While all these distractions can potentially interfere with my driving, the one most people often notice is the use of cell phones. Although using cell phones while drivingRead MoreIncrease Public Safety And Prevent Unnecessary Risks Behind The Wheel While Operating A Motor Vehicle1398 Words   |  6 Pagesof this proposal is to increase public safety and prevent unnecessary risks behind the wheel while operating a motor vehicle. Drivers have a duty to themselves and to the public to operate their vehicles in a safe manner free from distraction. The safest way to ensure against distraction and preserve everyone’s well-being is to abstain from all cell phone usage including dialing, talking, or texting while operating a vehicle. According to the National Safety Council, motor vehicle crashes are theRead MoreThe Effects Of Cell Phone Use On Driving Performance And Safety1205 Words   |  5 PagesAneci Persuitti ENGC 1101 SEC 43 December 15, 2014 The Effects of Cell Phone Use on Driving Performance and Safety As technology advances, people are relying on it more and more. Cell phones have literally become a necessity. Every day on the roads, people are driving and using their cell phones to talk, text, browse the internet, use GPS, etc. According to the International Telecommunication Union, â€Å"the number of mobile-cellular subscriptions worldwide is approaching the number of people on earthRead MoreNo Call or Text Is Worth a Life1540 Words   |  7 PagesSpeech 4/5/2013 No Call or Text is Worth a Life Using a handheld cell phone could be one of the deadliest decisions you could make while operating a motor vehicle. The dangers and impact of using a cell phone while behind the wheel are numerous. One of the main reasons people still use their cell phones while driving is that there is no consistency in the laws across the country. Certain states have legislation that bans cell phone use, while other states only ban certain usage situations. ToughRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving: Regulations are Overdue Essays1147 Words   |  5 Pagesto regulate the use of cell phones while driving is imperative because it’s dangerous, and current laws are not sufficient to curb the problem. Mobile phones, now known as cell phones, have been around since the 1940s; however, they did not become main stream until the 1980s. The original mobile phone design was large and bulky, and was only capable of making phone calls. According to the article, â€Å"Cellular Telephone,† â₠¬Å"Modern handheld wireless digital devices (cell phones) typically offer an array

How do terrorist organizations succeed Free Essays

Terrorism seeks to unify their population to the goal objectives and principles to stop hangs being caused by the government or outsiders or to institute their values and culture. Some terrorist groups based on religion like AH Qaeda have clear stated goals like driving out IIS troops or the destruction of another country that is not of their religion, like Israel. Attacks on property and using tampering hoaxes to cause expensive recalls of some products in the US is terrorism hitting at a target group economically. We will write a custom essay sample on How do terrorist organizations succeed or any similar topic only for you Order Now Terrorist groups may have more limited objectives that guide their actions or which they seek to achieve. These shorter term goals, of course, could aid the group in terms of achieving longer term objectives, and consider its performance to be successful if they simply survive to continue to pursue their longer term goals (Hoffman, 2002, p. 31 1 Just the perception that violence can work is enough as long as groups believe that such-?even if they are wrong-?they will be tempted to adopt the technique in pursuance of their goals (Lutz, 2014, p. 17). Sing the information above of current terrorist activities a comparison to Strategic Quality Management may reveal why terrorist organizations succeed. There are five main variables in SUM with many parts, Purpose, Principles, Processes, People, and Performance. Five Up’s of Terrorism Purpose: to pursue an objective through some form of violence to induce fear in an opponent. Terrorism requires some degree of secrecy in its preparat ion, as the inducement of fear is typically predicated on the element of surprise, but once the organization strikes public exposure is desired. Reminisces: As funny as this is going to sound the intellectual roots Of terrorism lie in three philosophical ideas which, ironically, are peculiarly Western: popular sovereignty, self-determination and ethical consequentiality (Phillips, 2014). Processes: Various strategies that may include political and reformist actions, cultural struggle, strengthening of the community of believers, and through missionary work. If violence is not part this process it is not terrorism. People: Because anyone who believes in the principles and purpose of a terrorism group for whatever reason is why the group can be consistently effective. These people in their own working in their culture are not bad. It is very simple: if Robin Hood steals and keeps all the goodies, then it is a crime If Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives the goodies to the poor, then he would be a terrorist to one side and a hero to the other side. Performance: Performance is based on the purpose of each organization. From performance to purpose represents the feedback mechanism for guiding an organization toward their objectives (Prior, White, Tombs, 2007, up. 1-5). With terrorist groups after action the objective may not be reached, but any results still works in their favor. How to cite How do terrorist organizations succeed, Papers

Marketing Management and Digital Communication for Ducati Motors

Question: Discuss about theMarketing Management and Digital Communication for Ducati Motors. Answer: Introduction The concept of marketing management has been considered as the supporting approach which facilitates the activities and the functionalities which comprises of the distribution of goods and services. On the basis of the conducted research by Philip Kotler marketing management is the analysis which involves planning, implementing and controlling of programmers and which are designed and developed so as to bring the desired exchanges with the segmented audience (Hollensen, 2015). The key purpose of all these activities is the attainment and accomplishment of organizational goals. Moreover, the concept of marketing management has been also concerned with the operations which are executed for managing the available resources. These resources are utilized by the business corporation in developing the marketing strategies and plans. These tactics are implemented so as to attain the organizational goals and objectives. The below executed summary has been analyzed from the concept of marketin g management, which is carried out for Ducati Motors which is an Italian multinational corporation and is involved in designing and manufacturing motorcycles. The report comprises of the factors which are considered as relevant for the concept of marketing management. SWOT SWOT analysis is a tool that is used to analyze the external and internal factors, which may impact an organization positively or adversely (Sheth Sisodia, 2015). It includes four major dimensions, such as; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis for Ducati Scrambler is stated below; Strengths Ducati has a strong brand name and presence in Italian market. It is operating its business operations with unique, exclusive and genuine product portfolio. The engineering and production team at Ducati is competent and highly skilled that is including several unique features in its superbikes. Utilization of advanced and innovative technology is the biggest strength of Ducati. The organization conducts research and development to know about emerging technology in market. After this market research, it redefines the allocation of resources in order to cope with emerging technologies in industry (Foxall, 2014). Weaknesses One of the major weaknesses of Ducati Scrambler is its higher prices. The bikes of this brand are very expensive, which cannot be afforded by each income level people (Dekker et al., 2013). Furthermore, this organization is unable to enhance its presence on online and social media. The supply chain system of company is very poor and there is less availability of working capital. It is affecting its market coverage and share in Italian industry. Thus, the firm is not able to diversify its product segment. Opportunities Ducati may have various opportunities by introducing Ducati Scrambler. The growing markets all over the world offer a potential for Ducatis expansion; like the female segment (Meffert, 2013). However, the company is installing new and innovative technologies in its products; now it can upgrade the existing features in the bikes by using latest technology. Enhanced online and social media presence can provides many opportunities to Ducati, like; it can lengthen the sales points for organization and strengthen its customer base. In addition, it can use different resources to acquire the working capital. Threats The increased competition in the industry is the major threat for Ducati. There are many players, which are emerging with the similar bikes. Competitors are using new technologies, which are cheaper than technology used by Ducati (Kleinaltenkamp, Plinke Geiger, 2016). Pricing policy of Ducati can pose threat on company, because at such higher prices of bikes, people in the country may prefer to buy cars. Competitor Analysis As mentioned above, Ducati Scrambler is facing intense competition from some leading players in the industry (Baker Saren, 2016). There are so many players in the respective industry, which have significant market coverage through its product offerings. The major players are, such as; Yamaha VMAX, Yamaha R1, Bajaj Kawasaki Ninja, Suzuki Hayabusa etc. One of the biggest competitors is Yamaha XSR700 that is the best featured bike of Yamaha group and based on retro-modern roadster. This bike looks better than Ducatis bike and has unique features, like; single round headlamp, LED tail lamp, lower vents, tidy tail, side panels, dual-textured seats etc. Thus, the company is confronting immense competition from this firm. By considering this competitive industry, Ducati is attempting to enhance its products with modern technologies (Pealoza, Toulouse Visconti, 2013). Mission The mission statement of the Ducati Scrambler is to manufacture the bikes with the commitment to providing maximum safety to the people, who drive and go on the Ducati bikes. The organization considers that riding a bike is one of the most exciting ways to enjoy the road trips, so it aims to provide safety measures in its superbikes (Pasquier Villeneuve, 2017). It is undertaking an initiative that is aimed at bikers, young people and drivers and it is committing to promote better practices, which must be followed when they are driving their bikes. Marketing and Financial Objectives However, Luxatic is promoting the Ducati Scrambler bikes effectively, but still company needs to set some marketing objectives to increase its presence in market (Gustavo, 2013). The marketing objectives of the company for next six months are given below; To build an organization that provides the customers with the unique products and proving the reliable Italian performance for the population assisting the idea of defiance, freedom etc. To increase its customer database by 5% Expand the business operations all over the world and enhance its online presence Moreover, the financial objectives of Ducati Scrambler are stated below; As Ducati is introducing its new superbike with unique features, so the company will aim to develop sustainability of its products in target segment (Stacey Wilson, 2014). The company will make efforts to increase its revenues by 5% in first six months and 10% in next six month of product launch. The third financial objective of Ducati is to increase its market share by a significant percentage over its major competitors. Marketing Mix Marketing mix is a marketing tool that includes major strategies, which are created and implemented by an organization to promote its new products in the industry (Stacey Wilson, 2014). The marketing mix for Ducati Scrambler is discussed below; Product Ducati is a private organization of Italian origin, which is offering the products with exclusive features and manufacturing the bikes by considering the expectations of customers and trends in market. Ducati Scrambler is more than a bike that provides joy, self-expression and freedom to drivers. There are so many unique features, which are installed in these bikes for riding safely. The company is taking various concrete initiatives to fulfill the needs and expectations of customers and bike lovers (Baker, 2014). In addition, Ducati offers variety of lifestyle products, which contains the logo of Ducati brand. Price Ducati is a global brand, which is evaluating various factors before developing its pricing policy. It believes in providing premium and qualitative products by adopting a value added pricing policy (Bejou Palmer, 2013). The prices of Ducati Scrambler are higher than other players in the industry, but quality and uniqueness of its products attract sport bikers and bike lovers to purchase its products. Place Ducati is serving all over the world and bikes are available in many countries. To develop the best distribution channels, the organization has come in strategic alliances with well-established players and dealership schemes. In addition, it has opened its outlets in various cities to increase the availability of Ducati Scrambler. Promotion Ducati has a strong brand image in Italy and other neighbor countries. In the promotion of Ducati Scrambler, the firm believes in describing the value of its brand, so it has initiated its promotional activities with the advertisements and commercials, which proliferate its bikes to maximum benefits (Ryan, 2016). In addition, Ducati has tied with famous celebrities as brand ambassadors. It has sponsored various sports events, like; Manufacturer World Championship. Digital Marketing Communication Plan To bring its new bikes to the market, Ducati will create a marketing communication plan, which will include all the marketing and communication strategies of the company. The organization will increase its presence by using social media networking sites, like; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube etc. It will be more effective for the company, as people are actively using internet. They will post the pictures of its products along with their specifications on Facebook and Twitter pages. Moreover, Ducati will introduce a promotional campaign for its Ducati Scrambler bike. It will invest a huge amount on promotional and advertising activities. In the emerging markets, Ducati will circulate its weekly circulars (Ryan, 2016). These activities will assist the organization in attract more customers towards its products. Action Plan For implementing this marketing plan, Ducati Scrambler will develop its specific mission and vision for the products. In order to achieve a considerable market share, the entity will take some specific actions for executing this plan and marketing strategies. It will take many actions to attain its marketing objectives. The following table demonstrates all the actions and processes for the execution of marketing plan. Activity Starting date End Date Manager Concerned Department Forming a new vision and mission for Ducati Scrambler 1/3/2018 - Board of directors and senior managers Top Management Setting the objectives and discussion with other levels of management 4/3/2018 - Senior managers Advertising and Marketing Department Formulations of marketing strategies 1/4/2018 - Marketing managers Marketing Implementation of strategies 1/6/2018 - Senior executives Marketing Implementation of plan 1/8/2018 - Managers and senior executives Marketing and finance departments In order to implement this plan, the company will follow above action plan table and utilize different resources, like; financial resources, human resources and marketing resources. This systematic plan will assist the companys management in implementing the marketing plan effectively and successfully. Implementation and Control For effective implementation of plan, Ducati will collect the resources and man power, which are needed for the Ducati Scrambler and communicate this marketing plan to the management team and employees. It will assist the employees in understanding the processes and systems under this plan. Ducati will spend a considerable amount on implementation of plan. The company will set some standards and controls for measuring its effectiveness in marketing processes. In controlling and monitoring process, senior management team will oversee all the processes and actions during implementation. Marketing and finance team will be responsible for controlling the expenses and convey about needed modifications in promotional plan. The plan will be reviewed by an expert team on a regular basis. In addition, management team will evaluate the results by looking at the predetermined marketing and financial objectives of Ducati. In control process, management will make a comparison between expected and actual growth of the company. There will be a contingency plan, which will be processed in emergency situations. Thus, implementation and control process will aid Ducati Scrambler in achieving the desired objectives and results from this marketing plan. Conclusion In the limelight of the above executed analysis it has been concluded that marketing management is the activity which is conducted by Ducati Motors so as to facilitate the operations which are involved in promoting and making distribution of the products and services to the ultimate consumers. The report comprises of the marketing strategies and objectives which are required to be implemented and attained for accomplishing the pre-determined targets and goals. Moreover, the further analysis has been focused on the marketing mix which is conducted so as to promote the products and services. The last part of the report consists of the action plan in which presentation of the implementation of all the tactics is done. References Baker, M. J. (2014).Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. Baker, M. J., Saren, M. (Eds.). (2016).Marketing theory: a student text. Sage. Bejou, D., Palmer, A. (2013).The future of relationship marketing. Routledge. Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth, K., van Wassenhove, L. N. (Eds.). (2013).Reverse logistics: quantitative models for closed-loop supply chains. Springer Science Business Media. Foxall, G. (2014).Strategic Marketing Management (RLE Marketing)(Vol. 3). Routledge. Gustavo, N. (2013). Marketing management trends in tourism and hospitality industry: Facing the 21st century environment.International Journal of Marketing Studies,5(3), 13. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Kleinaltenkamp, M., Plinke, W., Geiger, I. (2016).Business Relationship Management and Marketing. Springer-Verlag Berlin An. Meffert, H. (2013).Marketing-Management: AnalyseStrategieImplementierung. Springer-Verlag. Pasquier, M., Villeneuve, J. P. (2017).Marketing management and communications in the public sector. Routledge. Pealoza, L., Toulouse, N., Visconti, L. M. (Eds.). (2013).Marketing management: A cultural perspective. Routledge. Ryan, D. (2016).Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers. Ryan, D. (2016).Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers. Sheth, J. N., Sisodia, R. S. (2015).Does marketing need reform?: Fresh perspectives on the future. Routledge. Stacey, N., Wilson, A. (2014).Industrial Marketing Research (RLE Marketing): Management and Technique. Routledge. Stacey, N., Wilson, A. (2014).Industrial Marketing Research (RLE Marketing): Management and Technique. Routledge.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Toil and Commitment free essay sample

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