Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Using A Cell Phone While Driving - 1715 Words

â€Å"The best way to get people to think outside the box is not to create the box in the first place† (Actforlibraries, 2016). Innovation understands history to have a firm dedicated vision for the future. Martin Cooper is known as one of the most innovated people that have changed the world by his creation of the cell phone. The invention originated as a car phone, but Cooper believed a phone should be wireless; making it one of the greatest dangerous weapons for killing people (Molella, 2014). Cell phone use while driving increases the probabilities of car accidents. The component of driving entails the driver to concentrate on the road, time, speed and psychological assignment; any distractions will result in endangering people’†¦show more content†¦The disadvantage, it already exists, but not offered in every high school. For instance, Philadelphia s High School require students to receive their diploma and an industry certification (Bidwell, 2014). C orrespondingly, the model utilized was the HACK model. The HACK model is an innovated practice, promoting students to reach a level knowledge (Northwest Nazarene University, 2014). The highly structure utilized technology for online courses, allowing students to decide their graduation date. Overall, the consistent application enforces recreation facilities to substitute classes. The second innovation presented by Anahi, which is housing for the homeless. There are about 500,000 homeless and about one-fourth of them are children in the United States (Johnson, 2015). The idea is finding people on the streets who want a second chance. The organization will provide vocational classes for them to pursue a career. The drawback is some agencies have instituted the same concept. For instance, the Orange County Housing provides the necessary tools, education, and job training (Great Nonprofits, 2016). The biggest challenge is financial support because people think their money won t make a difference. Moreover, the model utilized was NOMMAR; which is customer need, technology, and market (Terwilliger, 2011). The client s need is for them to do a good deed. Technology can generate a computerized system to locateShow MoreRelatedUsing The Cell Phone Should Be Banned While Driving793 Words   |  4 Pagesinterest about the essay. What am I trying to say? It is clear in my introduction why I write the cold calling essay. My thesis statement is using the cell phone should be banned while driving. I show three reasons that help readers to understand my argument. I also try to convince readers to think about how dangerous to use the cell phone while driving. I use some citation that helps readers to think more closely about my argument. What words will express it? Should make my argument strongerRead MoreDangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay1306 Words   |  6 Pageslast few decades, the use of cell phones has become a very common tool. Furthermore, Technology has certainly advanced, and the cell phone is becoming the most preferred mode of communication. The demand for a cell phone is growing every day. In addition, the use of wireless technology is affordable, and anyone can buy a cell phone at a reasonable price. They come in all shapes and sizes. They range from black to bright metallic white. American public use of cell phones is increasing everyday. AsRead MoreUse Of Cell Phones While Driving860 Words   |  4 PagesAmericans rely heavily on cell phones to perform daily activities. Cell phone are used for phone calls, email, sending text messages, surfing the internet, and performing other tasks. It is unfortunate that many of these daily activities occur while a person is driving. As a result, an increase of accidents and fatalities have occurred because of the use of cellular phones while driving. Using a cell phone while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm. Most drivers believe theyRead MoreCell Phones While Driving1322 Words   |  6 PagesShould cell phone use be banned while driving? Since the mid–1990’s, cell phones have been a part of our daily lives. Cell phones allow us to communicate with anyone, anytime, and anywhere even while we are driving, they are convent and make our lives easier. But is it safe to use a cell phone to talk, text, take pictures, surf the web, etc. while driving? Many drivers, especially young drivers think so. Many drivers do not think that glancing down at a cell phone for a few seconds to send orRead MoreDangers Of Cell Phones1241 Words   |  5 Pagesconvenience. Even though cell phones can be used as navigators and for quick communication. They can still lead us to car crashes and death departures in families. In most cases, cell phones being the chief culprit. Cell phone use in the car can cause brain distractions, addiction towards drivers and deteriorate driving skills. Altogether these reasons show that cell phone usage should be banned while driving, in order to prevent death and unnecessary trauma. Firstly, cell phones should be banned becauseRead MorePersuasive Essay‚Äà ®Cell Phones and Driving1006 Words   |  5 PagesEssay—Cell phones and driving Suzy Campbell Title Balancing my coffee on my left leg, eating a donut with my right hand, using my cell phone with my left hand, driving with my right knee and having a conversation with a friend at the same time are surprisingly enough all legal, as long as they don’t interfere with my driving. While all these distractions can potentially interfere with my driving, the one most people often notice is the use of cell phones. 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ToughRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving: Regulations are Overdue Essays1147 Words   |  5 Pagesto regulate the use of cell phones while driving is imperative because it’s dangerous, and current laws are not sufficient to curb the problem. Mobile phones, now known as cell phones, have been around since the 1940s; however, they did not become main stream until the 1980s. The original mobile phone design was large and bulky, and was only capable of making phone calls. According to the article, â€Å"Cellular Telephone,† â₠¬Å"Modern handheld wireless digital devices (cell phones) typically offer an array

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